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This product is made in a private home not subject to state licensing or inspection. Once an order is submitted, I will respond with any additional questions and a confirmation that your order can be completed by the desired date. A 50% deposit may be required at the time the order is accepted, depending on the order size and complexity.

I request a minimum of 2 week advance notice and a minimum of 1 Dozen cookies to place an order.  I am limited on the amount of custom cookie orders I can do each week, so I recommend ordering early. Please note that your cookie order is not finalized until you have received a confirmation from me.

Current pricing starts at $30 per dozen.

Order here:

Currently only completing local orders in the Hayward/Cable area for pick-up. Orders can be shipped anywhere in Wisconsin for an additional charge. Delivery can also be arranged locally. I accept cash, check, venmo or card.